Why Jack of all trades, Master of none, isn't so great

If you've read my other posts you might get the idea that I like rockets. Well, you're wrong, I love rockets! I first got into rocketry when my brother and I started a club (check out my brother's post on this). Rocketry is one of the biggest passions I've had, and it helped me realize how much change you can spark by focusing in one area.

I'm not going to bore you with an incredibly long story of my rocketry life (unless you'd like that, let me know). Instead, I'll give you the short version:
After competing in FAI Competitions, I began making all sorts of things: parachute-cutting jigs, adjustable launch towers, fiberglass/carbon fiber rockets, etc. This kicked off my model rocketry store, AKASH. But before that, I wanted to help spread rocketry beyond the club at our school. This led to me starting the Rocketry Outreach Movement. Through this, I reached about 300 students and community members through different events/demo launches. Through the Rocketry Club, online store, and nonprofit I started, I created impact across the rocketry community.

What am I saying? Instead of trying to do everything, maybe try doing one thing with more dedication. I think you'll like what you see.
If you want to try rocketry yourself, go here.
There will definitely be a more detailed post on rocketry coming up soon! If you really want, this could be my next post(again, just let me know).